The Port of Gulfport publishes an annual financial audit report, which is presented to the Board of Commissioners for their review and made part of the public record. The Annual Audit includes the port’s financial statements and a narrative of the port’s activities during the year of the report.
The port’s financial statements are audited annually by an independent certified Public Account Firm. Available for download and review are the Annual Audit Reports from 2008-2023.
The 2023 audit was completed by AVL. AVL audited the financial statements of the Mississippi State Port Authority at Gulfport for the years ended June 30, 2023, 2022, 2021 and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Authority’s basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents provided in the official auditor’s report. The 2023 audit may be downloaded below.
The Mississippi State Port Authority Board of Commissioners adopts a budget annually. The Board of Commissioners approve a budget that will fund the continuing operation, maintenance, and capital outlay of the Port of Gulfport. The Port Authority promotes, administers and maintains port facilities, including warehouses, piers, bulkheads, channels, harbors, anchorages, intermodal facilities and services, and equipment required for loading and unloading commercial vessels. The approved budgets for the past fiscal year and current fiscal year are available for download.
Below you can download the approved 2024 Operating Budget.
Below you can download the approved 2023 Operating Budget.
Below you can download the approved 2022 Operating Budget.